Popular Telugu actor Pawan Kalyan, who recently launched Jana Sena party, (21 March) Friday declared his support to BJP's prime minist...
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Popular Telugu actor Pawan Kalyan, who recently launched Jana Sena party, (21 March) Friday declared his support to BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi.
Pawan kalyan, the youngest brother of union minister and Congress leader K. Chiranjeevi, called on the Gujarat chief minister here.
The young actor-turned-politician told reporters after the meeting that he came to Ahmedabad to declare support to Modi on behalf of Telugu-speaking people.
He said both the states of Telugu people (Telangana and Andhra Pradesh) need Modi as the prime minister. The actor said he explained to the Bharatiya Janata Party leader the manner in which the central government divided Andhra Pradesh.
Pawan said differences between the two states were not in the interest of the national integrity. He claimed that the Telugu youth are angry over the divide created between the two regions.
While launching Jana Sena last week, Pawan had given a call 'Congress hatao, desh bachao' (Remove Congress, save the nation).
He had also stated that he is ready to join hands with any party except the Congress.
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